I'm so excited to be leading these!! I've been talking about this to just about anyone who will listen for, oh, say, the last year and a half and it's FINALLY HAPPENING!!
By Feel: Taking the Visual Out of Visual Art
Zeitgeist Gallery presents an artist-led workshop built to explore a different creative process: silencing your “inner critic” by removing the sense of sight!
Participants will be led through step-by-step instructions to create either a tempura painting or a paperclay sculpture while blindfolded. The goal of the workshop is to foster creativity by heightening awareness of the senses often ignored in the process of creation. The negation of immediate visual feedback allows creation without self-criticism, something that all creators need a break from!
Where: Zeitgeist Gallery, 222 Cabot Street, Beverly, MA
Painting By Feel: Saturday, November 7th, 1 pm to 3 pm
Sculpting By Feel: Sunday, November 8, 1 pm to 3 pm
Participants: Min 3/ Max 6 each day
To reserve your spot, contact either Zhana Levitsky at Zeitgeist Gallery, 978.219.7172 or zhana@zeitgeistgallery.net , or gabrielle.aydnwylde@gmail.com
Suggested donation per workshop: $20